Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Comment Made About Travel

This past week, I received a comment from a reader about "official travel" and the experience of Ann Morris. I thought a response to the comment would be appropriate.

Part of my employment agreement with the City is that I get the "privilege" of attending the International City/County Management Association. To me, privilege means that it is not a "right" and therefore should not be abused.

When I travel to events like this, I try to share the room costs with another manager. That really means I have to find someone who will put up with me and I can put up with them. It is one way to split the cost of $199 per night rates down to tolerable.

In some of the other travel opportunities, I take advantage of Priceline or similar programs. One trip I recently made had room rates at the conference hotel at $105 (in Wichita). I found a room for $40 in El Dorado.

So, C. Morrison, there is my response. I am glad you chose to offer a comment. LP

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