Sunday, July 22, 2007

Thank's Concordia

I have completed my career in Concordia. I will be getting up at a very early hour to get to Hillsboro by 8 AM. Some of you know, I am not a morning person. Taking the two drive with my iPOD humming a few podcasts will get me in the mood for starting the day.

I had a lot of comment from the "think about" program I did last week with Kirk. For those who missed it, we talked about the differences between Mayor/Council and Commission/Manager forms of government.

Over the weekend, Don Osenbaugh, from the League, and I taught our annual Municipal Leadership Academy class in WaKenney and Junction City. As usual, we had a number of elected officials from both forms. I picked up more reasons for the conclusion I came to at the close of last weeks show.

I have turned off the email response for the time being. Since I don't have access to the old address, I won't see you comments. You can post them anyway. I will read them later.

I will still remember all the fine folks here. You have been great!


1 comment:

Connie said...

Change always happens for a reason.
We aren't supposed to know why. I hope your family finds many good benefits to this change.