Sunday, February 25, 2007


Tuesday is the primary election for both the City Commission (two seats) and Cloud County Community College (three seats).

The City primary election will rduce the candidates from six to four. The Community College primary will reduce their field down to six.

Voting is an important right that we as American's are not regarding as important any more. As a student of the political process, I was impressed by Iraqi voters braving personal danger to vote.

How would you justify not voting to an Iraqi voter?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the low voter turnouts in America. I don't understand the apathy about everything in general. My husband is convinced it is the me-me-me culture. They want to be involved only if there is an immediate financial gain for themselves. Few can see past their own nose. But if you look around, you will see, there are alot of good, decent, involved people out there. America has NOT gone to hell.