Monday, January 15, 2007

Chamber Dinner

A number of you were able to brave the snow and ice to attend the Annual Chamber Dinner Sunday night. For the out of town readers, for the past several years, the Chamber speaker has been the "community" (now there is a grammar challenge for you).

The format is that 15 community leaders get three minutes to give an update on their organization. Sure, it is short but you can say a lot in three minutes

Several people I talked with after the dinner mentioned the same thing. The City, County, School District, Community College and Hospital were repeat speakers. What was very interesting to see and it spoke volumes about what Concordia is now becoming.

Most of the other speakers were saying thank you for being one of my customers. Thank you for encouraging me with my business. The comments were very positive. It seems to me that a business cannot survive without the folks behind it being positive. It helps customers WANT to come back.

Some of the speakers were several of the new businesses that opened in 2006. They are getting involved in the Chamber right from the beginning. Way to go Roberta (Lowrey) for getting these folks connected.

You can read the story in the Blade-Empire

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At last- a story that is all about positive changes in Concordia. I look forward to the same type of changes in the coming year.