The power of a few well placed dollars is beginning to show up in downtown. Several businesses are taking advantage of the grant/loan project to improve the look of downtown.
Citizens National Bank and the City of Concordia partnered earlier this year to improve the looks of downtown by fall fest (third week in September). The progress to date has been awesome!
The latest improvement has been Coppoc Sports with their new awning going up today.
Tom’s Music House awaits a porch to go above the store windows. There is new paint on the Thrift Shop and the second hand shop next door. Hart to Heart is getting new windows. After all the work is done, I will post the before and after pictures
All the new paint and window works is having a great impact on how we look to others.
There are several business owners that are still in process of improving their buildings.
Seeing what is happening makes you proud of your town, doesn’t it?